Closet Clean Out Guide
Updated: Jun 5, 2023
"Maybe if I just keep doing the same thing over and over again, it'll magically get better," she whispered.
Today, I'm walking you through my systematic approach and attaching my closet clean out guide.

The things just kept piling up. On the floor. On the shelf. In the drawers. As if continuing in the same action could somehow magically correct the issue in the closet instead of making it worse. Hm. How'd that work for you?
I have always been a neat person. Always. My mom tells a story about finding me as a little girl refolding the t-shirts in my drawer everyday. I didn't really go through that messy teenager stage. I literally NEVER remember my room being a disaster. Apparently, I've had an organization "problem" for awhile.
How does this help you? Well, I've been honing my organizational skills for basically my lifetime. I'm a natural. I can literally take any space and organize it. From closets to entire rooms, functionality and organization is my jam. These are the days I turn my "magic" all the way on.
If you need some of my organizational magic, you're in luck! HIIII, my name is Joanna, and I'm a dealer of dreams. I can show you how to have a manageable closet, and I do it without all the stress involved in the process.
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