Mindset Mayhem
Updated: Jun 5, 2023

I feel like I'm walking through a hard season right now. My mindset has been all over the place, as in . . . I've allowed myself to fall into negative self talk. Guess what ISN'T helpful when you're trying to be productive.
I was talking to a friend just the other day and found that she too is just feeling like the world is HARD. Then, I was chatting with some teacher friends to hear some of the same words! We've quit answering the “How are you?" question with “Crazy” and are now saying things like “It just feels hard.”
I feel you SO deeply! I've really had to take the reins on my personal dialogue and mental health. I've linked out some of my favorite resources and products that have helped me during this time. Are you in a tough mental space? Do you need some encouragement? Reach out to me! I'd love to send love and encouragement your way.
Affirmations: Positive Affirmations are statements that you repeat to yourself. They are meant to target a specific aspect of your life that may need some lifting up. Feeling this? Check this resource out on how to write your own.
Spindrift: A vacation in a can! I've never liked sparkling water, but this stuff is AMAZING! I seriously love it, and my mood is always improved once I've cracked a can.
The Word: Spending time in the Word each day is paramount to my mental health. My favorite thing about this app? It has audio so it will read TO you!